Monday, October 8, 2007

This Is Getting Serious . . .

I have to admit that as I've written about the water shortage/drought situation, I haven't really considered what will happen if the drought continues and there is no relief. I do try to conserve when I can, and thoughts of the drought plague me every time I use water, but I still haven't drastically changed my water use habits. For some people, I don't think that anything will change until they don't have water anymore.

There is now a link to water conservation tips on the UGA homepage. The page was updated a few days ago, but I just saw that the link was placed on the homepage today. I have also heard a few of my friends saying that they have heard that if the drought continues, school will be closed for a week. Have any of you heard this? The student population makes up about a third of Athens-Clarke County's residents, so if we cut down on our water usage on campus by not being there, it might have a large impact on the local water levels. I haven't been able to find any concrete evidence that would indicate that this is true, and I'm wondering where my friends heard this, but it's certainly worth considering. Thoughts?

I have also seen a good bit of information on using grey water in my recent searches for updates. I know that we were talking about using grey water systems for irrigating outside, but apparently that is prohibited by the EPA. Using grey water to irrigate outside violates plumbing and health codes. It can be used, however, for things like filling toilets.

Websites including Georgia DNR, ACC public utilities, and EPD all have a large collection of water saving tips. As I mentioned earlier, even the UGA website now has a link with water conservation tips. Obviously, we can all do things to conserve water, but at this point, no matter how much water we conserve, we are still enduring a level 4 drought. What will happen if this continues?

Working on answers . . . .


Christy Fricks said...

Yes! Let's close the school for a week!
Or we could hold a city wide rain dance!

Christy Fricks said...

Seriously, It Is actually a little frightening dontcha' think?

T Guy Echols said...

As I write, there is a wonderful rain shower going on outside here in Winterville. My church is having a tent revival and I know many people have been praying for rain.

There are great stories in the Old Testament of prophets who prayed for rain. Check out Elijah. Maybe President Adams and Mayor Davidson should ask all the churches in town to pray, huh?

After class tomorrow, I'll return to the lake with my family and I understand that Lake Hartwell is down yet another foot. This makes it dangerous for boaters and others enjoying pristine North Georgia.

Colin Dunlop said...

I heard about the school closing thing today at the paper. We're trying our best to help out -- has anyone seen how we replaced the web tease on the front page with the water saving tip of the day? Some of them are obvious, but I hope people have read them. I still haven't changed my habits either though.
I grew up on a well system that never failed so I guess although I've had pretty conservative techniques all my life I've never thought I'd run out of water. One thing above all bothers me though, can they still make beer without water?