Tuesday, October 23, 2007

UOBWA Meeting

My group and I went to an Upper Oconee Basin Water Authority meeting last week. It was pretty intense and they discussed quite a few things.

The meeting was held at Bear Creek Reservoir. I don't know how familiar any of you are with the reservoir (except Amber) but it's huge. For whatever reason, I had envisioned a pond in my mind, and it's a rather massive body of water. The reservoir is 505 acres and holds 5 billions gallons of water. There is a treatment plant on site that treats water for Jackson, Barrow and Oconee counties. Clarke County water is pumped directly to Clarke and treated here.

One of the most astonishing things we experienced was touring the facility. The sight of the reservoir made me realize how bad the drought is. The reservoir was down 14 feet and there are islands sticking out here and there that have never been visible before. One of my friends went out of town this weekend and said that she saw places on the river that were almost completely dry.

Water conservation is now more important than ever. We have had a little rain in the past few days. A result of prayer? Who knows, but it couldn't hurt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got an e-mail from the management for our apartment complex today that talked about how the responsibility is being turned over to the consumer now. It said that meter readers may be checking more often to see if there are leaks or excessive water usage, and gave tips for reducing water consumption in the home. I have been waiting for something like this and am surprised that indoor water use hasn't been more of a focus during this water crisis.